
"Listen, and you will realize that we are made not from cells or from atoms. We are made from stories." - Mia Couto

Even if you're not the one fighting Lyme physically, it can still directly affect your life story. As you adapt to the shifting needs of someone you care about, you may have to move locations, work fewer hours, or figure out a new way to define taking vacations.

Everything has a ripple effect that can alter your story.

This can be beautiful if it creates an opportunity to spend more time with someone you love. It can also be challenging if your loved one is in pain.

Lyme disease can complicate all of our stories.

We know you have stories to tell, and we appreciate all supporters who stand alongside us during the Lyme chapters in our stories.

Whatever story you have to share, we want to hear it!

Check the link below for information on how to find the right Meet-Up for you.