Generation Lyme Community Guidelines

LAST UPDATED: July 3, 2024

Welcome to the Generation Lyme Community! These Community Guidelines are designed to facilitate a respectful and supportive environment. By joining our community, you agree to adhere to these guidelines.

Respect and Empathy

Kindness and Respect: Treat others with kindness, empathy, and respect.

Inclusion and Awareness: Be mindful and respectful of cultural differences and the diversity within the community.

Non-Judgmental Environment

Judgment-Free Zone: Do your part to foster an atmosphere free of judgment and criticism.

Assumptions: Avoid making assumptions about others' experiences or choices.

Validation: Do not invalidate the experiences and feelings of fellow members.

Meet-Up Etiquette

Host Guidelines: Follow the guidelines set by the Meet-Up host.

Participation: Feel free to engage in a way that is comfortable for you, including choosing to have your microphone and/or camera on or off.

Crisis Support

Support Community: Generation Lyme is a support community; we do not provide professional mental health or crisis support.

Resources: If you require immediate professional assistance, please refer to the resources provided:   

Content Restrictions

Content Restrictions: Do not share defamatory content.


Respect Privacy: Respect the privacy of individuals and the organization.

Personal Information: Share personal information for contact outside Meet-Ups only with explicit consent.

Recording: Recording of Meet-Ups is prohibited.

Personal Responsibility

Advice Disclaimer: Understand that advice shared is based on personal experiences, not professional guidance.

Professional Support: We encourage you to seek professional advice for individualized medical or mental health concerns.

Solicitation or Promotion

Community Focus: The community is for support and sharing, not for commercial purposes.

No Trolling or Harassment

Avoidance of Harmful Behavior: Trolling, bullying, harassment, and discrimination are prohibited.

Avoidance of Harmful Language: Do not use derogatory, obscene, or discriminatory language.

Reporting Violations: Report inappropriate behavior to the Meet-Up Host or Generation Lyme Board.

Reporting Violations

Reporting Process: You may report violations of these guidelines to the Gen Lyme Board. Reports are handled with extreme sensitivity.

Professional Assistance: Generation Lyme consists of volunteers who are not mental health or law enforcement professionals. Certain situations may require the assistance of mental health professionals or law enforcement.


Content Oversight: The Generation Lyme Team reserves the right to moderate content and take necessary actions.

Appeals: You are welcome to address concerns about moderation decisions with the Generation Lyme Board.

Violation of Community Guidelines

Consequences: Violations may result in moderation actions, including suspension or removal from community platforms.

External Events: Violations occurring outside official community channels are evaluated case-by-case.

Feedback and Suggestions

Community Input: Constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement are always welcome.

Contact Information: Email for feedback and inquiries.

Updates and Amendments

The Generation Lyme Board may update these guidelines. Changes will be made to this page, with the publication date provided.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding these guidelines, contact

By participating in the Generation Lyme Community, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these Community Guidelines. Your adherence helps maintain a safe and supportive environment for all members.

Generation Lyme

These guidelines aim to foster a supportive and respectful community environment, ensuring all members feel valued and safe.