
Change can be a loaded word, interpreted as a positive or a negative. Lyme disease inevitably brings some of both kinds of change; for the one living with it and those who support them.

At Generation Lyme, we're here to join you anytime you want to celebrate something good that has come out of difficult circumstances. Looking for the silver lining is a human trait that helps us to survive.

We're also here to navigate the tough changes with you. Sometimes, those are easier to see than silver linings. It's impossible not to be affected when someone you care about is perpetually searching for the answers to help them heal rather than living out their dreams.

We understand that multiple things can be true at once. We are here to hold space for the challenges (and wins) that come with change. We're here to support you as you navigate them. At our Supporters Meet-Ups this month, we welcome all feelings about change.