Gen Lyme on the Love, Hope, Lyme Podcast

Our Generation Lyme co-founders Brooke, Jesse, and Jennifer recently sat down with Fred Diamond, host of the “Love, Hope, Lyme” podcast, for an emotional conversation about the power of community when dealing with Lyme.

Fred wrote about the episode in a blog post on LymeDisease.Org: “On this week’s Love, Hope, Lyme podcast, the Gen Lyme leaders talked about their support offerings and how Lyme survivors can partake of them. They also shared their own personal journeys and where Lyme took them. It was at times a very emotional podcast.”

The episode is available on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

We had a great time talking with Fred and connecting with someone who shares our passion for helping people facing Lyme disease—including patients and loved ones. We highly recommend you check out the podcast and blog linked in this post, and we thank Fred for having us on the show!

Read Fred’s full blog post about our interview at LymeDisease.Org.

When Fred Diamond decided to learn more about the Lyme disease that afflicted someone he loved, his life changed. He read every book on Lyme, joined Facebook groups, attended webinars and podcasts and quickly realized that he knew hardly anything about what Lyme disease survivors go through on a daily basis. His book, "Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know" offers those who love someone with persistent or chronic Lyme ideas and tips to support this beloved person. It also helps Lyme survivors know how to ask for support.