Jennifer Hoffmann, Co-Founder & Director of Generation Lyme

Jennifer Hoffmann

co-founder & Board member

Jennifer (she/her) is passionate about public health and tick-borne disease advocacy. A Co-Founder of Generation Lyme and the Tick JEDI Coalition, she has also served as Programming Director at Project Lyme and collaborated with Tick-Borne Conditions United and LymeTV.

In 2017, Jennifer was diagnosed with late-stage Lyme disease and co-infections due to untreated tick bites throughout childhood, resulting in an early-onset Parkinson's presentation. In 2020, she was re-infected in Central Park, Manhattan. Before her diagnosis, Jennifer performed as a classical singer in the United States, Europe, and South America.

Today, Jennifer guides digital communications at a leading research and policy organization advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Music from The George Washington University and a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from New England Conservatory of Music.

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