Find a Lyme-Literate Medical Doctor

We know how hard it is to find a doctor to treat your tick-borne disease. We’ve compiled this index of searchable directories from organizations we trust to help you find the care you need.

Generation Lyme is not affiliated with any physician or medical program and cannot provide medical advice.

Project Lyme

Provider Search: This resource lists practitioners known to specialize in tick-borne diseases.

They have also provided a detailed resource with testing information.

Lyme Disease Physician Referral: To find your closest Lyme disease specialist, enter either your location or the name of the Lyme disease doctor or practice name you are searching for.


International Lyme And associated Diseases Society (ILADS)

Provider Search: All medical professionals listed in this provider search are qualified to treat Lyme disease.

Are you looking for a Lyme disease support group?

Whether you’re seeking a doctor, already in treatment, nearing remission, or helping a loved one, the Generation Lyme community is here to support you as you navigate your experience with tick-borne disease.